Love Lines

Some girls want roses, diamonds and chocolates. But for me, the gifts that mean the most are the ones that are straight from the heart and cost nothing but time.

Over 20 years ago, my love wrote this note to me in a street on campus.

Glenda, I love you - Scott

I treasure this hunk o’ concrete, for whenever I pass it, I’m reminded of the unconditional love that blesses my life.

To my wonderful (crazy, loud, intense) husband:
You are my soul mate.


  1. On this Saint Valentine’s Day, may I recommend true love to you all.
    Boy howdy if you’re gonna “put it in concrete” — you better mean it !

    I, too, have a wonderful soul mate.

    Glenda, I Love you !

  2. That’s probably the most butch thing I’ve ever seen.* Scott gets extra points if he says he did that with a small Swiss Army knife. ;) He gets bonus points if he says he did that with the portable drill and masonry bits he always carries with him.

    Have a Happy Valentine’s Day. Enjoy the day and, above all, enjoy each other.


    *Butch points and all extra and bonus points are negated if this was written in wet cement.

  3. @Scott – kiss kiss kiss, you sure looked adorable this morning in your present! ;-)

    @Rhonda – indeed, it was wet cement…but it is still the most awesome love note ever in my book! And you would have died laughing if you saw him this week fixing his cup. I found him in the bedroom on the floor with an electric drill with a foot long drill bit tightening the screws on his cup. Damn, I can’t believe I didn’t get a picture of that!

    @Andrea – I’ve got some back story to tell you on this that you are gonna love.

  4. You two are too cute for words! I can only hope that in 20+ years, Rhon and I are just as happy as you and your Hubby. Happy Heart Day!

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