My Journey with Icarus

Icarus Sculpture by Charles Umlauf

A personal response to before the fall: a sound journey by Natacha Poggio

A moment of peace in the midst of chaos, I step into the garden and relax into the moment. This garden is familiar to me, I’ve been here many times, but each time reveals a new treasure, a new discovery.

I’m drawn towards the sculpture of Icarus, as though my heart knows the way.

I approach the boy, whose waxy wings have failed him…I draw close and listen to the wind in the trees and the sound of poetry. My senses are soaking in the sounds and the sights as I experience the fall.

For a moment, I feel like a bird, watching Icarus plummet through the air beside me.

I think, “Poor Icarus, why did you have to fly so high? Your wings would have held you well, had you listened to the wise words of your father.”

I spend more time with Icarus than I’ve ever spent before. The sound journey has woven a story web around us and I enjoy exploring my new bonds with this piece.

Days later, I can still close my eyes and return to this time in the garden. The story of Icarus flits in and out of my consciousness until I see the message meant for me.