Hope & Healing: Please consider becoming an Organ Donor and Signing up to Donate Bone Marrow

A friend of a friend is dealing with a life threatening situation with her 10 year old son. On spring break, while on a cruise, the child, Justin, become very ill. A helicopter came to get him and fly him to a hospital where it was discovered he has acute leukemia. I cannot even imagine what that child and his family are going through right now.

My friend wrote an incredible beautiful and private post (to her inner circle of friends on facebook) asking each of us to make a difference by signing up to be an organ donor, signing up to be in the bone marrow transplant database, and sending positive energy to Justin and his family.

While her whole post touched me deeply, I was really moved by this paragraph:

So if you pray, pray. If you’re a Buddhist, mediate. And if you’re Batman, well, we could really use your help right now. What I know is that if this boy’s life is saved, it will be due to medical science, not divine intervention. But I also know that the sheer power of a critical mass of people working toward a solution will yield positivity. So light a candle, say a prayer, meditate, or send very focused, very present, very positive thoughts to this young man while being completely open to seeing how you you can save more Justins with a few easy mouse clicks. And remember… Whatever you spent the last day or week worrying about? It’s just not that important (unless it was something life threatening).

So, I encourage you to consider becoming an Organ Donor and signing up to Donate Bone Marrow. I’m signed up for both (I first signed up to donate bone marrow when John Slatin was diagnosed with acute leukemia…so yeah…this whole story hits me right where my heart, mind and soul live).

Whether you chose to do this or not…is a totally personal decision, and I completely respect that. I just was moved this morning to reach out and encourage others to help.