There’s no place like…

Just a quick note to say I’m headed to Europe for adventure, romance and museum technology. You just knew I couldn’t plan a vacation without a geek moment!

First stop…Belgium…where I plan to soak in the ambiance and spend deliciously lazy days with my sweetheart…then off to London for a conference at the Tate Modern, Help at Hand. And as luck would have it, I’ll be in town just long enough to meet up with the folks headed to @Media and NotMedia.

On my list of important things to do:

  • Buy Matt Robin as many pints as he wants (for being such a prince and sending me a JoshuaInk badge)
  • Meet (in person) the wonderful people I’ve gotten to know online this year including the famous #$%@caster.
  • Give all my SXSW friends a great big huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug! (who knew I would only have to wait three months to get a hicks fix?)


  1. Glad you enjoyed Belgium. I feel like I’m home when I’m there. In a way, I am. So…um…you DID know it was 4:45 a.m. here when you sent that TM, right?

    Enjoy the trip and the conference, and have a safe trip home.

  2. I hope your trip is a recharging one. I’ve been out of touch for awhile and it sounds like you have had some pretty heavy times in your life. Praying for a safe trip and lots of creative revelation.

  3. Bruce…gosh it was great to meet you!

    Meesh…time to get your passport and start planning a trip. No excuses!

    Rhonda…I’m wicked! I had no idea what time it was. Shame on me.

    Troy…the trip was such a recharge…I’ve got extra sunshine (and beer) to share! Hugs!

  4. Wow – I was REALLY late reading this post!
    I’m amazed that buying me a drink was on your list of important things to do! That’s so cool!! It was great to finally meet you (albeit too briefly) and nice to meet Scott too.

    Hopefully, I’ll see you at SXSW ’07…. :)

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