Countdown to Accessibility University

I can’t wait for tomorrow! Accessibility University begins! There is nothing quite like a campus full of web developers learning about web standards and accessibility. Add to that mix, a delicious array of accessibility experts and you’ll understand why this ubergeek is counting down the hours. Authors, former AIR winners, members of the WCAG Working Group, creators of assistive technology….oooooooo…be still my heart! Instructors include: Jim Allen, James Craig, Derek Featherstone, Rhodes Gibson, Celia Hughes, Greg Pisocki, Sharron Rush, John Slatin and Jim Thatcher. I have the honour of team teaching a class with Kathy Keller this year. So, let the accessibilizing begin!

I hope to see you tomorrow and Saturday at Accessibility University; but even more, I look forward to seeing you bust down more barriers on the web. After all, isn’t this all about “Information Anytime, Anywhere and for Anyone”?


  1. I’m still here in Austin, but I just wanted to say thanks for being such a great host, even if you took some silly pictures! Looking forward to seeing you again!!

  2. Awwww Derek, it was (is) great havin’ you here. Just 10 more months until SXSW! (and I did show some restraint on taking pictures, now, didn’t I ?!?!?!)

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